The Moto Guzzi Club GB is run by a group of elected and co-opted officers.

These are the members who are responsible for the day to day running of the club.      
If you need to contact us see below for who would be best to answer your query. Please remember, we are all volunteers who give up our spare time so please be patient and contact at reasonable times.

If you are not sure whom to contact please email either:


General Secratary:

Honorary President:

If you would like to contact a specific branch, please visit the branches page.

Core Officers

Jamie Walter


Please contact for general info about the Club.

Helen Smith

General Secretary

Looks after the clubs official communications.

Chris Judd

Membership Secretary

Collects the subscriptions and manages the Club membership database.  Please contact me for any missing Gambalungas and general queries with joining or membership.

07889 725555
Goose Corner, 122 Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE15 0NU, United Kingdom

Mario Stefanelli


Looks after the Club's finances.

Roger Shufflebottom

Roger Shufflebottom


Looks after the editing and production of Gambalunga.

Keith Nock

Keith Nock

Machine Dating Officer

Issues DVLA approved Machine Dating Certificates.

Martin Sharp

Public Relations Officer

Looks after the promotion of the Club through Adverts, Articles, Club Stands, Social Media, Charity Fund raising etc.

07711 040419

Sharon Craven

Regalia Officer

Design, procurement and sale of the Club's merchandise.

07880 978827
Goose Corner, 122 Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE15 0NU, United Kingdom

Sue Nock

Social Secretary

Organises the Rallies and other club-sponsored central events run by the Club, the 3 key being Summer Camp, Guzzifest and the AGM.

07913 099037

Graeme Burton

Web Officer

Looks after the Club Website & Forum.

Serena Powis

Honorary President

Please contact for general info about the Club

Co-Opted Members

Damian Lockley

Branch Liaison Officer

Liaises between the Branches and the Committee. Please contact with changes to Meeting Places, Branch Ride Outs etc.

Position Vacant

Position Vacant

Discount Officer and Trade Adverts

Negotiates discounts for Club members and looks after our trade adverts.

Whilst this position is vacant please feel free to contact the chairman.

Michael Howers

Michael Howers

Editorial Assistant

Please send him all typed or handwritten correspondence and  articles for 'Branch News'.

23 Chalgrove Road, Sutton, SM2 5JT, United Kingdom

Kevin Gladstone

Assistant Webofficer

Looks after the Club Website & Forum.

Please contact for passwords and miscellaneous info.

Dave & Becky Fellows

Club Kit Coordinators

Stores and ships all of the Club's Event and Show equipment, banners and related items, which can be requested by any branch for use.

07760 478395
Coventry, Warwickshire